Resident Experience Survey

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4 Jun 2024

Dear Relatives & Friends of Buckland,

We would like to inform you that on Wednesday 26th June 2024 there will be a Resident Experience Survey being conducted by a survey team from My Aged Care. The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback directly from the resident.

The survey team will approach randomly selected residents and invite them to participate in the survey. They will explain in detail the process and ask for consent to participate. This survey is completely voluntary and a resident can say no if they would prefer not to participate.

Should you agree to participate, the survey will be done in private where the conversation can not be overheard. Each resident may have a family member or friend that they trust to have beside them whilst they complete the survey.  Duration of the survey will be between 10 to 30 minutes.

A resident has the right to stop the survey and withdraw at any time. If you withdraw, the survey team will immediately stop asking questions and all of your answers will be deleted.

Please see below a list of the questions that will be asked.

  • Do staff treat you with respect?
  • Do you feel safe here?
  • Is this facility well run?
  • Do you receive the care you need?
  • Do staff know what they are doing?
  • Are you encouraged to do as much as possible for yourself?
  • Do staff explain things to you?
  • Do you like the food here?
  • Do staff follow up with you raise concerns with them?
  • Are the staff kind and caring?
  • Do you have a say in your daily activities?
  • How likely are you to recommend this residential aged home to someone?
  • What would you say is the best thing about this service?
  • What is one thing you would suggest as an improvement at this service?

The survey team will not share your identity or survey responses with your residential aged care home. All information will be strictly private and confidential and securely stored.

Once the surveys have been completed the team will combine and summarise responses for each residential aged care home, then publish them as part of each residential aged care home’s Star Ratings, without any identifying information.

In some cases, a resident might be unable to speak for themselves and would prefer a trusted representative such as a family member or friend to speak on their behalf. In these cases, the survey can be completed by the trusted representative.

The survey team will only approach formally appointed representative registered with My Aged Care to answer the survey on a resident’s behalf.

This survey is designed to enable older people with cognitive impairment and diverse backgrounds to participate. The survey team is highly trained to work with people with cognitive impairment and to determine whether a resident can meaningfully engage in the survey and also when required the team will engage language interpreters.

For more information, please visit

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly reception staff on (02) 4752 2500.

Warm regards,

Johannes Brockhaus

Chief Executive Officer