Servery Construction Plan
16 Nov 2023
16th November 2023
Dear Residents & Relatives
As you are aware the servery rebuilds in MRW, TBW and lower LRW wings will commence on the 20th of November 2023. After extensive planning we have had to review processes in order for the smooth running of day-to-day operations.
- Servery 2 will be out of order.
- Dining room 2 will be out of order as of Thursday the 16th of November 23 and it is asked that residents do not use this dining room for meals until further notice. This area will be blocked off completely.
- Servery 5 will be out of order as of Thursday the 16th of November 23
- Dining room 4 will be out of order and completely blocked off. It is asked that residents do not use this dining room for meals until further notice.
- Dining room 5 can be utilized for dining room service.
LRW lower studios
- Servery will be rebuilt in line with DCW serveries to include window and roller door so residents can choose meals and see what’s on offer.
- Commencing after lunch meal on Friday the 17th of November 2023 – meal service will be tray service only, with also the choice of dining room service – this will be served on a tray . The upstairs studio will become the dining room for those residents who wish to still have that choice. The dining room lower studio will be taped and blocked off from after lunch service Friday 17th November 2023.
- 0800 Breakfast Service – The care staff will deliver trays to residents’ rooms or to the upper studio dining room (residents’ choice).
- Midday Lunch Service - The care staff will deliver to resident’s rooms or to the upper studio dining room (resident’s choice).
- 5pm - Dinner Service -The care staff will deliver trays to residents’ rooms or to the upper studio dining room (residents’ choice).
Unfortunately, we do not have an estimated completion date at present but will keep you all updated with the progress. All 3 Servery works will be conducted simultaneously.
Thanks in advance for all the support and cooperation to enable the smooth running of the pending changes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact me on (02) 4752 2500.
Melinda Junge
Facility Manager