COVID Outbreak Update
Dear Relatives and Friends of Buckland,
Unfortunately, as of this morning, there are a total of 8 residents who have tested positive to COVID-19. The residents continue to do well and remain in isolation.
I reiterate the importance of the current recommendations around preventing the spread of covid with high-risk frail aged within the community, including refraining from entering the facility if you are feeling unwell or are experiencing any flu-like symptoms.
Having said this, if you wish to visit your loved one in the Nursing Home you must do a RAT test and wear an N95 mask to ensure we are minimising the risk of further cases.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding during this difficult time.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via reception on (02) 4752 2500.
Kind Regards,
Melinda Junge
Facility Manager