COVID-19 Outbreak Update

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21 Aug 2023

Dear Relatives and Friends of Buckland,

Unfortunately, we have had a number of residents and staff return a positive result of Covid-19 over the weekend.

Each of the infected residents and staff are doing well and rest assured that we have a wonderful and diligent team who are doing their best to provide the highest level of care to your loved one.

We stress the importance of remaining home if you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms and to follow our infection control procedures when visiting the nursing home. This includes RAT testing prior to entry, N95 mask wearing and social distancing.

For the duration of the current outbreak the DCW entrance will be closed and we ask all visitors to present to the main entrance.

We will keep you informed of any updates and changes as they occur.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us via reception on (02) 4752 2500.

Kind Regards,

Johannes Brockhaus

Chief Executive Officer